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( MOB:楊永漢)



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103


采多少量以及采樣部位應該如何消毒等一系列問題進行解釋;對人體常見的正常菌群、定植菌、污染菌和感染菌等內容進行培訓;對各種細菌耐藥酶的檢測及其含義和在選用抗生素方面的意義與臨床進行經常性的溝通等等。可采用多種方法如講座、座談討論會、簡訊、墻報園地甚至參與查房等形式。也可以融合到醫院感染管理的繼續教育培訓項目之中。(三)參與消毒隔離的管理正確、科學地實施消毒與隔離技術對預防和控制醫院感染非常重要,正確的指導、督查消毒隔離工作也是臨床微生物科的工作之一。當發生醫院感染暴發流行或特殊耐藥細菌感染時,臨床微生物專業人員應參與制訂消毒隔離措施,對相關的人員管理、廢棄物的處理等環節提出微生物專業意見。(四)定期發布細菌耐藥性監測結果對許多感染性疾病的抗菌藥物選擇是經驗性的。但經驗用藥也需要循證醫學和流行病學資料的支持。建議將所有病原菌分離和藥敏的資料用WHONET軟件保存,定期發布細菌耐藥性監測結果,隨時統計分析ICU等重點科室常見病原菌的分布和耐藥狀況,對臨床經驗性選擇抗生素、提高重癥感染的救治成功率大有幫助。(五)通過分子分型技術控制醫院感染常用的分子分型技術有FGE、RAD等。微生物實驗室設置分子分型實驗室,對危害較大且較易流行的耐藥菌進行常規分型,對及時發現和控制病原菌流行具重大意義。國外一些醫院的做法是對VRE 等不常見的耐藥菌一經發現即進行分子分型,根據基因分型,判斷流行的可能性及范圍并采取相應措施控制感染。
Explain how much and how the sampling site should be disinfected; provide training on common flora, colonization, contamination, and infestation of common humans; detection of various bacterial resistance enzymes and their implications. The significance of the use of antibiotics and regular clinical communication and so on. A variety of methods can be used such as lectures, seminars, newsletters, wall posters, and even participation in rounds. It can also be integrated into continuing education training programs for hospital infection management. (C) Participate in the management of disinfection and isolation The correct and scientific implementation of disinfection and isolation technology is very important for the prevention and control of nosocomial infections. Correct guidance and supervision of disinfection and isolation work is also one of the work of the Department of Clinical Microbiology. When outbreaks of nosocomial infections or infections with specific drug-resistant bacteria occur, clinical microbiologists should participate in the formulation of disinfection and isolation measures, and provide microbiological professional advice on relevant personnel management, waste disposal and other aspects. (iv) Regular publication of antimicrobial resistance monitoring results Antibiotic drug selection for many infectious diseases is empirical. However, empirical drug use also requires the support of evidence-based medicine and epidemiological data. It is recommended to use the WHONET software for all pathogen isolation and drug susceptibility data. Regularly publish bacterial resistance monitoring results, and analyze and analyze the distribution and drug resistance of common pathogens such as ICU at any time. Select clinical antibiotics and improve severe infections. The success rate of the treatment can greatly help. (5) The molecular typing techniques commonly used to control nosocomial infection through molecular typing techniques include FGE and RAD. The Microbiology Laboratory sets up a molecular typing laboratory to routinely classify resistant and relatively prevalent drug-resistant bacteria, which is of great significance for the timely detection and control of the pathogenic bacteria epidemic. The practice of some foreign hospitals is to conduct molecular typing on uncommon drug-resistant bacteria such as VRE, and determine the possibility and scope of the epidemic based on genotyping and take appropriate measures to control infection.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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