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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


蟲卵在血管內成熟,內含毛蚴,毛蚴分泌溶細胞物質,透過卵殼入腸粘膜,破壞血管壁并使周圍腸粘膜組織破潰與壞死。由于腸的蠕動,腹腔內壓力與血管內壓力的增高,使蟲卵與壞死組織落入腸腔,隨糞便排出體外。蟲卵入水后在20~30℃經12~24小時即孵化出毛蚴,在水中游動的毛蚴1~2天內,遇到釘螺(中間宿主)即主動侵入,在螺體肝、淋巴腔內、發育為母胞蚴、子胞蚴,再經5~7周形成大量尾蚴,逐漸逸出螺體外,尾蚴入水或逸出于河邊或岸上青草露水中。終宿主接觸水中尾蚴時,尾蚴吸附于宿主的皮膚,利用分泌的溶蛋白酶溶解皮膚組織,脫去尾部進入表皮變為童蟲。童蟲侵入真皮層的淋巴管或微小血管至靜脈系統,隨血流至右心、肺、左心進入體循環,或由肺穿至胸腔,通過橫膈入腹腔。約經4天后到達腸系膜靜脈,并隨血流移至肝內門脈系統,初步發育后再回到腸系膜靜脈中定居,在此,雌雄合抱,性成熟,產卵。從尾蚴經皮膚感染至交配產卵zui短需23~35天,一般為30天左右。成蟲在宿主體內生存2~5年即死亡,有的成蟲在病人體內可存活30年以上。流行病學編輯本病流行于中國、日本、菲律賓等地。中國則見于長江流域和長江以南的十三個省、市、自治區的三百三十三個縣市。中國臺灣的日本血吸蟲未見有人體感染。本病的流行必須具備以下三個環節:(一)傳染涁日本血吸蟲患者的糞便中含有活卵,為本病主要傳染源。船戶糞便直接下河以及居民在河邊洗刷馬桶是水源被污染的主要原因。隨地大便,河邊糞坑及用未處理的新鮮糞便施肥,被雨水沖入河流,造成水源污染。病畜(牛、羊、犬)及鼠等含有蟲卵,隨糞便排出,污染水源。釘螺:為血吸蟲的*中間宿主,是本病傳染過程的主要環節。釘螺喜棲在近水岸邊,在湖沼地區及蘆灘洼地上zui多。在平原地區孳生于土質肥沃,雜草叢生,水流緩慢的潮濕蔭蔽地區,溝渠zui多,岸邊次之,稻田中zui少。釘螺感染率以秋季為zui高。(二)傳播途徑 主要通過皮膚,粘膜與疫水接觸受染。多通過游泳洗澡、洗衣、洗菜、淘米、捕魚捉蟹,赤足經過釘螺受染區等方式感染。尾蚴侵入的數量與皮膚暴露面積。

Eggs mature in the blood vessels, contain hairs, and secrete cell-soluble substances in the hairs, and enter the intestinal mucosa through the egg shells, destroying the blood vessel walls and causing ulceration and necrosis of the surrounding intestinal mucosa. Due to the peristalsis of the intestine, the pressure in the abdominal cavity and the pressure in the blood vessel increase, the eggs and necrotic tissues fall into the intestine and are excreted with the feces. After the eggs enter the water, the hairs are hatched at 20 to 30°C for 12 to 24 hours. Within 1 to 2 days of the furs swimming in the water, snails (intermediate hosts) actively invade, in the snail's liver and lymphatic cavity. It develops into a mother cell and a daughter cell, and after 5 to 7 weeks, it forms a large number of cercariae and gradually escapes the spleen. The cercariae enters the water or escapes from the river or on the grassy dew. When the final host contacts the tail scorpion in the water, the cercariae are absorbed on the host's skin, and the secreted lytic protein dissolves the skin tissue and removes the tail and enters the epidermis into a schistosome. The schistosomiasis invades the lymphatic vessels or tiny blood vessels of the dermis to the venous system, and flows into the right heart, lungs, and left heart into the systemic circulation, or from the lungs to the thoracic cavity, through the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity. After about 4 days, it reached the mesenteric vein and moved to the intrahepatic portal system with the blood flow. After initial development, it returned to the mesenteric vein where it settled. Here, the male and female copulate, sexually mature, and lay eggs. It takes 23 to 35 days for the shortest period from the cercaria infection to the mating and spawning, usually about 30 days. Adults live within the host for 2 to 5 years and die, and some adults can survive in patients for more than 30 years. Epidemiology Edit this disease is prevalent in China, Japan, the Philippines and other places. China is found in 133 rivers in the Yangtze River Valley and 13 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions south of the Yangtze River. There was no human infection with schistosoma japonicum in Taiwan. The epidemic of this disease must have the following three links: (1) The feces of patients infected with schistosomiasis contain live eggs, which is the main source of infection of the disease. The main reason why water is contaminated is the fact that the ship's manure goes directly to the river and that residents wash toilets along the river. Defecation everywhere, riverside pits and fertilizing with untreated fresh manure, was flushed into rivers by rain, causing water pollution. Diseased animals (cattle, sheep, and dogs) and rats contain eggs, which are excreted in the faeces and pollute water sources. Snails: The only intermediate host for schistosomiasis is the main link in the process of infection. Snails hi habitat in the water near the shore, in the lake area and Lu beach depression most. In the plain area, it was born in a wet and shaded area with fertile soil, weeds, and slow water flow. The ditches were the most, followed by the banks, and the least in the rice fields. The snail infection rate is highest in autumn. (b) Routes of transmission The skin and mucous membranes are mainly affected by infection with infected water. More bathing, washing, washing vegetables, washing rice, catching crabs by fishing, barefoot infection by infected areas such as snails. The number of cercariae invasion and skin exposed area


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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