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型    號: 澳大利亞Cellabs
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Cellabs是一家擁有*生物技術的公司,其總部設在澳大利亞的悉尼。從事銷售、研發和生產熱帶傳染病免疫診斷試劑。快速檢測賈第蟲病毒快檢卡(金標法) 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司提供服務!

  • 產品描述




    該公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是國標*推薦的兩蟲檢測IFA染色試劑、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水質安全評估檢測的*抗體。








公司的主要產品有:隱孢子蟲診斷試劑,賈第蟲診斷試劑,瘧疾診斷試劑,衣原體檢測試劑,絲蟲診斷試劑,錐蟲診斷試劑等。Cellabs 的瘧疾ELISA試劑盒成為臨床上的一個重要的診斷工具盒科研上的重要鑒定工具。其瘧疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA檢測試劑盒和瘧疾抗體ELISA檢測試劑盒已經成為醫學研究所的*試劑盒。Cellabs產品主要包括以下幾種方法學:直接(DFA)和間接(IFA)免疫熒光法,酶聯免疫吸附試驗(ELISA),和膠體金快速測試。所有產品都是按照GMP、CE標志按照ISO13485。



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


2.分節運動 分節運動是一種以環行肌為主的節律性收縮和舒張的運動,主要發生在食糜所在的一段腸管上。進食后,有食糜的腸管上若干處的環行肌同時收縮,將腸管內的食糜分割成若干節段。隨后,原來收縮處舒張,原來舒張處收縮,使原來每個節段的食糜分為兩半,柑鄰的兩半又各自合攏來形成若干新的節段,如此反復進行(圖8-7)。分節運動的意義在于使食糜與消化液充分混合,并增加食糜與腸壁的接觸,為消化和吸收創造有利條件。此外,分節運動還能擠壓腸壁,有助于血液和淋巴的回流。
3.蠕動 小腸的蠕動通常重疊在節律性分節運動之上,兩者經常并存。蠕動的意義在于使分節運動作用后的食糜向前推進,到達一個新腸段,再開始分節運動。小腸蠕動的速度很慢,約1~2cm/s,每個蠕動波只把食糜推進一段短距離(約數cm)后即消失。
The intestinal gland cells include columnar cells, goblet cells, Paneth cells, and undifferentiated cells. Columnar cells and endocrine cells are similar to villous epithelium. Columnar cells close to villus are similar to absorptive cells. Microvilli of columnar cells in deep villi are few and short, and no striations are formed. Some people think that there are secretory effects. Intestinal villi increase the surface area of ??the small intestine. If all the villi are laid flat, their area can cover half a tennis court. The huge surface area enables nutrients to be quickly absorbed in 1-2 hours.
Intestinal movement forms: segmented movement, peristalsis, transitional complex movement (MMC)
The forms of small intestine movements are: 1 Tension contraction, which is the basis for other forms of exercise to perform effectively, so that the small intestine to maintain a certain shape and position, and maintain a certain pressure in the intestine, is conducive to digestion and absorption. 2 segmentation exercise, its role is to fully mix the chyme and digestive juices, increase the contact between the chyme and the intestinal mucosa, and promote intestinal blood lymphatic reflux, which are conducive to digestion and absorption. 3 Peristalsis, the role of which is to push the restaurant to the far end for a new segmentation movement.
1. Tension contraction is the basis of other forms of small intestine movement. When the tension in the small intestine is reduced, the intestinal wall gives less pressure to the contents of the small intestine, the restaurant and the digestive juice are not mixed sufficiently, and the feeding of the restaurant is slow. Conversely, when the tension in the small intestine is increased, the chyme and digestive juice are mixed and accelerated, and the chyme is promoted quickly.
2. Sectional Movements Sectional movement is a type of rhythmic contraction and relaxation that is dominated by the circular muscles. It mainly occurs in the intestine where the chyme is located. After eating, the circular muscles on the intestine of the chyme were contracted at the same time, and the chyme in the intestine was divided into several segments. Subsequently, the original systolic vasodilation, the original vasoconstriction, so that each segment of the restaurant was divided into two halves, the two halves of the orange neighbors were closed to form a number of new segments, so repeated (Figure 8-7 ). The significance of segmented exercise is to fully mix the chyme with digestive juice and increase the contact between the chyme and the intestinal wall to create favorable conditions for digestion and absorption. In addition, segmented exercise can squeeze the wall of the intestine and help return the blood and lymph.
3. Peristalsis The peristalsis of the small intestine usually overlaps with the rhythmic segmental movements, often coexisting. The significance of peristalsis is to advance the chyme after the segmented exercise to reach a new intestine and begin segmentation. The peristalsis of the small intestine is very slow, about 1 ~ 2cm / s, each peristaltic wave only after a short distance (about several cm) to the restaurant disappears.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區石樓鎮清華科技園創啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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