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型    號: 澳大利亞Cellabs
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Cellabs是一家擁有*生物技術的公司,其總部設在澳大利亞的悉尼。從事銷售、研發和生產熱帶傳染病免疫診斷試劑。賈第蟲病毒Giardia檢測卡膠體金 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司提供服務!

  • 產品描述




    該公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是國標*推薦的兩蟲檢測IFA染色試劑、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水質安全評估檢測的*抗體。








公司的主要產品有:隱孢子蟲診斷試劑,賈第蟲診斷試劑,瘧疾診斷試劑,衣原體檢測試劑,絲蟲診斷試劑,錐蟲診斷試劑等。Cellabs 的瘧疾ELISA試劑盒成為臨床上的一個重要的診斷工具盒科研上的重要鑒定工具。其瘧疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA檢測試劑盒和瘧疾抗體ELISA檢測試劑盒已經成為醫學研究所的*試劑盒。Cellabs產品主要包括以下幾種方法學:直接(DFA)和間接(IFA)免疫熒光法,酶聯免疫吸附試驗(ELISA),和膠體金快速測試。所有產品都是按照GMP、CE標志按照ISO13485。



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


⑶腸檢膠囊法讓受檢者 吞下裝有尼龍線的膠囊,線的游離端留于口外,膠囊溶解后,尼龍線松開伸展,3~4小時后到達十二指腸和空腸,滋養體粘附于尼龍線上,然后慢慢地拉出尼龍線,刮取附著物鏡檢。
為輔助診斷,主要有酶聯免疫吸附試驗(ELISA)、間接熒光抗體試驗(IFA)和對流免疫電泳(CIE)等方法,其中ELISA簡單易行,檢出率高(92%~98.7%)等特點,適用于流行病學的調查。神經衰弱時 ,大腦內抑制過程減弱,神經細胞的興奮性相對增高,這樣對外界的 刺激可產生強而迅速的反應,從而使神經細胞的能量大量消耗。因此 ,神經衰弱患者常表現為既容易興奮,又易于疲勞。另一方面,大腦 皮層功能弱化,其調節和控制皮層下植物神經系統功能也減弱,從而 出現植物神經功能亢進的一些癥狀。    小腸位于腹中,上端接幽門與胃相通,下端通過闌門與大腸相連,是食物消化吸收的主要場所。小腸盤曲于腹腔內,上連胃幽門,下接盲腸,全長約4-6米,分為十二指腸、空腸和回腸三部分。小腸內消化是至關重要的,因為食物經過小腸內胰液、膽汁和小腸液的化學性消化及小腸運動的機械性消化后,基本上完成了消化過程,同時營養物質被小腸粘膜吸收了。4、升部(ascending part)自水平部斜向左上方升至第2腰椎的左側,轉向前下續于空腸,此轉折部形成的彎曲稱十二指腸空腸曲(duodenojejunal flexure)。
十二指腸空腸曲的后上壁被十二指腸懸肌(suspensory muscle 0f duodenum)固定在腹后壁。 十二指腸懸肌由肌纖維與結締組織構成,表面有腹膜覆蓋,臨床上稱Treitz韌帶,是手術中確認空腸起始部的重要標志。
空腸連接十二指腸,占小腸全長的2/5,位于腹腔的左上部。回腸位于右下腹,占小腸全長的3/5。空腸和回腸之間沒有明顯的分界線。小腸由一層細胞組成, 其管壁由黏膜,黏膜下層,肌層和漿膜構成。其結構特點是管壁有環形皺襞,黏膜有許多絨毛,絨毛根部的上皮下陷至固有層,形成管狀的腸腺,其開口位于絨毛根部之間。絨毛和腸腺與小腸的消化和吸收功能關系密切。
(3) Intestinal capsule method The subject swallowed a capsule containing nylon thread. The free end of the thread was left outside the mouth. After the capsule was dissolved, the nylon thread was loosened and stretched. After 3 to 4 hours, it reached the duodenum and jejunum and nourished. The body adheres to the nylon thread and slowly pulls out the nylon thread to scrape off the attachment for microscopic examination.
2. Immunodiagnosis
To assist in diagnosis, there are mainly enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), indirect fluorescent antibody assays (IFA), and convection immunoelectrophoresis (CIE). Among them, the ELISA is simple, and the detection rate is high (92% to 98.7%). Features that apply to epidemiological surveys. When neurasthenia is weakened, the inhibitory process in the brain is weakened and the excitability of nerve cells is relatively high, which can produce a strong and rapid response to external stimuli, thus allowing the nerve cells to consume a great deal of energy. Therefore, patients with neurasthenia often show both easy excitement and fatigue. On the other hand, the function of the cerebral cortex is weakened, and its function of regulating and controlling the subcortical autonomic nervous system is also weakened, resulting in some symptoms of autonomic hyperfunction. The small intestine is located in the abdomen, and the upper end is connected to the pylorus and the stomach, and the lower end is connected with the large intestine through the fontanelle. It is the main place for food digestion and absorption. The small intestine is coiled in the abdominal cavity and is connected to the pyloric pylorus and the cecum under it. The total length is about 4-6 meters and it is divided into three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Intestinal digestion is crucial because the food is digested by the chemical digestion of intestinal juices, bile and small intestine fluids, and mechanical digestion of the small intestine. The nutrients are absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. 4. The ascending part ascends to the left of the second lumbar spine diagonally from the horizontal part to the jejunum before turning. The bend formed by this turning part is duodenojejunal flexure.
The posterior superior wall of duodenal jejunal curvature is fixed to the posterior abdominal wall by suspensory muscle 0f duodenum. The duodenal hanging muscle consists of muscle fibers and connective tissue. The peritoneum covers the surface. The clinically known Treitz ligament is an important marker for confirming the beginning of the jejunum during surgery.
The jejunum connects the duodenum, which is 2/5 of the length of the small intestine and is located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. The ileum is located in the right lower quadrant, which accounts for 3/5 of the length of the small intestine. There is no clear dividing line between the jejunum and the ileum. The small intestine consists of a layer of cells,[2] whose wall consists of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa. Its structural feature is that the wall has circular folds, the mucous membrane has many hairs, and the epithelium of the roots of the hairs sinks down to the intrinsic layer, forming a tubular gland with an opening between the roots of the hairs. Villi and intestinal glands are closely related to the digestion and absorption functions of the small intestine.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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