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( MOB:楊永漢)  









【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103



在人類,兩側大腦皮層的功能也是 相關的,兩半球之間的連合纖維對完成雙側的運動、一般感覺和視覺 的協調功能有重要作用。右手學會了一種技巧運動,左手雖然沒有經 過訓練,但在一定程度上也會完成這種技巧運動,說明一側皮層的學 習活動可以通過連合纖維向另一側轉送。脊神經連接于脊髓,分布在 軀干、腹側面和四肢的肌肉中,主管頸部以下的感覺和運動。脊神經 由脊髓發出,主要支配身體和四肢的感覺、運動和反射。每對脊神經 節前根ventral root和后根dorsal root 與脊髓相連。前、后根均 由許多神經纖維束組成的根絲所構成,前根屬運動性,后根屬感覺性 ,后根較前根略粗,二者在椎間孔處合成一條脊神經干,感覺和運動 纖維在干中混合。 后根在椎間孔附近有橢圓形膨大,稱脊神經節 sumal ganglia。31對脊神經中包括8對頸神經cervical nerves,12 對胸神經thoracic nerves,5對腰神經lumbar nerves,5對骶神經 sacral nerves,一對尾神經coccygeal nerve。第1頸神經干通過寰 椎與枕骨之間出椎管,第2~7頸神經干都通過同序數頸椎上方的椎間 孔穿出椎管,第8頸神經干通過第7頸椎下方的椎間孔穿出,12對胸神 經干和5對腰神經干都通過同序數椎骨下方的椎間孔穿出,第1~4骶神 經通過同序數的骶前、后孔穿出,第5骶神經和尾神經由骶管裂孔穿出 。由于脊髓短而椎管長,所以各節段的脊神經根在椎管內走行的方向 和長短不同。頸神經根較短,行程近水平,的斜行向下,而腰骶部的 神經根則較長.在椎管內近乎垂直下行,并形成馬尾cauda equina。 在椎間孔內,脊神經有重要的毗鄰關系,其前方是椎間盤和椎體,后 方是椎間關節及黃韌帶。因此脊柱的病變,如椎間盤脫出和椎骨骨折 等??衫奂凹股窠洠霈F感覺和運動障礙。脊神經是混合性神經,其 感覺纖維始于脊神經節的假單極神經元。
In humans, the function of the cerebral cortex on both sides is also relevant, and the commissural fibers between the two hemispheres play an important role in the completion of bilateral motor, general sensory and visual coordination functions. The right hand learns a skill movement. Although the left hand has not been trained, this skill movement will be completed to a certain extent, indicating that the learning activities of one side of the cortex can be transmitted to the other side through the commissural fibers. The spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord and are distributed in the muscles of the trunk, ventral side, and extremities and are responsible for the feeling and movement below the neck. Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and govern the senses, movements, and reflexes of the body and limbs. Each pair of ventral radicular ventral roots and posterior root dorsal roots are connected to the spinal cord. The anterior and posterior roots are composed of root filaments composed of many nerve fiber bundles. The anterior root is motility, the posterior root is sensorial, and the posterior root is slightly thicker than the anterior root. The two synthesize a spinal nerve trunk at the intervertebral foramen. Mixed with sports fiber in the dry. The posterior root has an elliptic enlargement near the foramen, called the spinal ganglion sumal ganglia. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves include 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and one pair of tail nerves coccygeal nerve. The first cervical nerve stem passes through the spinal canal between the sacrum and the occipital bone, and the second to seventh cervical stems pass through the intervertebral foramen above the cervical spine of the same ordinal number. The eighth cervical stem passes through the vertebra below the seventh cervical spine. Through the mesopore, 12 pairs of thoracic nerve trunk and 5 pairs of lumbar nerve trunks were pierced through the intervertebral foramen below the same order vertebrae. The 1st to 4nd sacral nerves were pierced through the pre- and posterior holes of the same ordinal number. Nerves and caudal nerves pass through the sacral hiatus. Because the spinal cord is short and the spinal canal is long, the direction and length of spinal nerve roots in each segment are different in the spinal canal. Cervical nerve roots are short, their strokes are nearly horizontal, their oblique lines are downward, and their nerve roots are longer. In the spinal canal, it descends almost vertically and forms cauda equina. In the intervertebral foramen, the spinal nerves have important adjacent relationships, with the disc and vertebral body in front and the intervertebral joint and ligamentum flavum in the posterior. Therefore, spinal lesions, such as herniated discs and vertebral fractures, often involve the spinal nerves, causing sensory and motor disturbances. Spinal nerves are mixed nerves whose sensory fibers begin with pseudo-unipolar neurons of the spinal ganglion.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區石樓鎮清華科技園創啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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