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( MOB:楊永漢)  









【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103



④迷走神經背核nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi:位 于延髓迷走神經三角深面,舌下神經核的外側,由此核發出的纖維加 入迷走神經,支配頸部、胸腔和腹腔大部分臟器的活動。胼胝體是哺 乳類真獸亞綱的*結構,位于大腦半球縱裂的底部,連接左右兩側 大腦半球的橫行神經纖維束,是大腦半球中zui大的連合纖維。這些神 經纖維在兩半球中間形成弧形板,其后端叫壓部,中間叫體,前方彎 曲部叫膝,膝向下彎曲變簿叫嘴。組成胼胝體的纖維向兩半球內部的 前、后、左、右輻射,連系額、頂、枕、顳葉,其下面構成側腦室頂 。人和大多數哺乳動物的胼胝體都屬于大腦的髓質。兩側大腦皮層之 間有許多連合纖維,在哺乳類動物中zui大的連合纖維結構是胼胝體; 進化愈高等則胼胝體愈發達,人類的胼胝體估計含有100萬根纖維。有 人觀察到,當在犬的身體一側皮膚上給予刺激,并與食物或酸防御性 唾液分泌反射相結合形成條件反射后,則另一側皮膚相應部位的機械 刺激也自然具有陽性的條件反射效應。如果事先將該動物的胼胝體切 斷,則這種現象就不能出現。還有人事先切斷貓視交叉的交叉纖維, 使一側眼睛的視網膜傳入沖動僅向同側皮層投射,然后將動物一眼蒙 蔽,用另一只眼睛學習對圖案的鑒別能力;待其學會后將該眼蒙蔽, 測定先前被蒙蔽眼的圖案鑒別能力,見到先前被蒙蔽的眼也能具有這 種鑒別能力。如果事先切斷這個動物的胼胝體,則這種現象就不能出 現。由此看來,兩側大腦皮層的感覺分析功能是相關的,胼胝體連合 纖維能將一側皮層的活動向另一側轉送。電生理研究指出,刺激對側 皮層對應點可以加強這一側皮層的感覺傳入沖動的誘發電門,起著易 化作用。這一易化作用是通過胼胝體連合纖維完成的,因為這類纖維 主要兩側皮層相對應的部位。
4 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve: Located on the deep side of the medulla vagus triangle, lateral to the hypoglossal nucleus, and the nucleus sends fibers into the vagus nerve that govern the activities of most organs in the neck, chest, and abdomen. The corpus callosum is a unique structure of mammalian subfamilies. It is located at the bottom of the longitudinal half of the cerebral hemisphere and connects the transverse nerve fiber bundles of the right and left hemispheres. It is the largest commissural fiber in the cerebral hemisphere. These nerve fibers form a curved plate in the middle of the two hemispheres. The back end of the nerve fiber is called the compression part. The middle part is called the body. The front curve part is called the knee, and the knee bends down and becomes the mouth. The fibers that make up the corpus callosum radiate to the front, back, left, and right of the interior of the two hemispheres, linking the frontal, apical, occipital, and temporal lobes to form the lateral ventricle crest. The carcasses of humans and most mammals belong to the medulla of the brain. There are many commissural fibers between the cerebral cortex, and the largest commissural fiber structure in mammals is the corpus callosum; the higher the evolution, the greater the development of the corpus callosum. Human corpus callosum is estimated to contain 1 million fibers. It has been observed that when a stimulus is given on the skin of a dog's body and a conditioned reflex is formed in combination with food or a defensive salivation reflex of acid, then the mechanical stimulation of the corresponding part of the skin on the other side also naturally has a positive conditioned reflex. effect. If the carcass of the animal is cut off in advance, this phenomenon cannot occur. Others cut off the cross fibers of the cat's optic chiasm in advance, causing the retinal afferent impulses of one eye to project only on the same side of the cortex, then blinding the animal and learning the ability to discriminate the pattern with the other eye; The eye was blinded and measured the pattern recognition ability of previously blinded eyes, and the ability to discriminate against previously blinded eyes was also seen. If the carcass of the animal is severed in advance, this phenomenon cannot occur. From this point of view, the sensory analysis functions of the two cerebral cortices are related, and the corpus callosum fibers transfer the activity of one side of the cortex to the other side. Electrophysiological studies indicate that stimulating the corresponding points of the contralateral cortex can enhance the evoked potential of the sensory afferent impulses in this side of the cortex and play an anaphylactic role. This facilitation is accomplished through the use of steroidal fibers because these fibers are primarily associated with the corresponding sites on both sides of the cortex.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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