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( MOB:楊永漢)  











【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103



魚類以上的脊椎動物,在個體生長發育的過程中 髓鞘出現得較晚;而人類于出生時髓鞘已經形成,但可因神經種類的 不同而異。髓鞘的構造,根據偏光顯微鏡的檢查證明,脂質從軸索的 中心向外排列成放射狀,蛋白質形成同心圓層,一般推斷,蛋白質和 脂肪為相互排成層狀的構造。根據x射線衍射,知該層的周期在新鮮材 料上為17—18納米,在固定的材料上為13—15納米。進一步用電子顯 微鏡檢查,其同心圓的層狀構造及其周期已被確認。即電子密度高的 層和透明層相互排列,前者的寬度為3.5—5納米,一般認為是蛋白質 層,后者被認為是脂質層。髓鞘的蛋白質主要是白明膠一類的硬蛋白 ,脂質則包括磷脂質(卵磷脂、腦磷脂、鞘磷脂等)、糖脂質和膽固 醇等。髓鞘以許旺氏細胞的細胞膜包裹著軸索,包裹的層數尚不清楚 。髓鞘在一些間斷部位缺如,這一部分稱郎飛氏絞窄(郎飛氏結), 兩個絞窄之間稱結間節(interannular segment)。結間節的長度約 為50-1000微米的范圍,長度不一,通常神經纖維越粗則越長。另外 已經清楚,郎飛氏絞窄不僅在周圍神經系統,而且在中樞神經系統中 也存在。如果用硝酸銀染色,則在橫斷絞窄部平面變黑的同時,從絞 窄部到兩側軸索也出現許多變黑的橫紋,呈十字形,因向稱為郎飛氏 (銀)十字(Ranvier′s cross)。在髓鞘的許多地方,可以看到有 呈漏斗狀的、從鞘外表陷入到軸索的施密特-蘭特曼氏切跡 (Schmidt-Lantermann′scleft),和沿此切跡面的螺旋形構造的 高爾基氏漏斗(德Golgischer Trichter),但這些構造只有在伸長 的神經纖維或浸入食鹽水中才出現,因此,一般認為它是一種人工產 物。白質是中樞神經系統中主要的三個組成元素之一。在中樞部,由 神經元的軸突或長樹突集聚而成。它不含胞體只有神經纖維。白質內 又有各種不同功能的神經束。大腦灰質在外部,白質在內部。 而在脊 髓中,灰質內部,白質包圍在灰質外面。

In vertebrates above fish, myelin appears later in the individual's growth and development; while humans have already formed myelin at birth, they may vary with different types of nerves. The structure of myelin sheaths was examined by a polarizing microscope. Lipids were arranged radially outward from the center of the axon, and the proteins formed concentric circles. It is generally assumed that proteins and fats are arranged in layers. According to x-ray diffraction, the period of this layer is known to be 17-18 nanometers on fresh materials and 13-15 nanometers on fixed materials. Further examination with an electron microscope, the concentric layered structure and its cycle have been confirmed. That is, a layer with a high electron density and a transparent layer are aligned with each other. The former has a width of 3.5-5 nm and is generally regarded as a protein layer, and the latter is considered as a lipid layer. Myelin proteins are mainly hard proteins such as gelatin, and lipids include phospholipids (lecithin, cephalin, sphingomyelin, etc.), glycolipids, and cholesterol. Myelin coats the axons with Schwann cell membranes and the number of layers is not known. The myelin sheath is absent at some discontinuities, and this part is called Langer's strangulation (Lang's fly's knot), and an interannular segment between the two strangulations. The length of the internodal joint is in the range of 50-1000 μm, and varies in length. Generally, the thicker the nerve fibers are, the longer the length is. In addition, it is clear that the Langer's strangulation exists not only in the peripheral nervous system but also in the central nervous system. If silver nitrate is used for dyeing, blackening occurs in the plane transverse to the strangulation section, and many darkening stripes appear from the strangulation to the axons on both sides. Cross (Ranvier's cross). In many parts of the myelin sheath, there is a funnel-shaped Schmidt-Lantermann' scleft that falls into the axon from the outer surface of the sheath, and a spiral along this notch. The Golgi funnel (German Golgischer Trichter) was constructed, but these structures only appeared in elongated nerve fibers or were immersed in saline, so it is generally considered an artifact. White matter is one of the three major components of the central nervous system. In the central region, axons or long dendrites of neurons accumulate. It does not contain only neurons in the cell body. White matter has nerve bundles of various functions. The gray matter is on the outside and the white matter is on the inside. In the spinal cord, inside the gray matter, white matter surrounds the gray matter.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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