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( MOB:楊永漢)  








【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103



傳入沖動來自視網膜,由視神經、視束先到達靠近丘腦的中 腦頂蓋前區,再經中間神經元到達同側與對側動眼神經的動眼神經副 交感核(埃丁格氏核),由此發出節前纖維,隨動眼神經到睫狀神經 節,更換神經元后經節后纖維組成的睫短神經進入眼球,支配瞳孔括 約肌引起瞳孔縮。抑制肌緊張肌緊張是一塊肌肉內不同纖維交替發生 反射性收縮所引起,它促使肌肉保持一定緊張性,是維持軀體姿勢zui 基本的反射活動。網狀結構對肌緊張有調節作用(見腦干網狀結構) 。切除中腦的延髓動物具有四肢伸肌過度緊張的現象,叫去大腦強直 。但中腦的紅核可抑制四肢伸肌的緊張性而加強屈肌的緊張性,因此 中腦動物基本上無去大腦強直現象。紅核接受小腦與大腦皮層來的沖 動,傳出纖維到達小腦、腦干與脊髓。黑質接受大腦皮層與紋狀體來 的纖維,傳出纖維到達紋狀體、蒼白球、中腦被蓋、丘腦等處。它們 都屬錐體系統,故均與調節隨意運動有關。紅核與肌緊張調節和翻正 反射有關。黑質在人類zui發達,是中腦內zui大的核,它可合成大量多 巴胺(一種神經遞質)并經黑質紋體束到達紋狀體,故黑質與紋狀體 內均含大量多巴胺。紋狀體內還有乙酞膽堿,正常時黑質、紋狀體內 的多巴胺和紋狀體內的乙酞膽堿之間保持著平衡。黑質病變時平衡即 被破壞,引起肌緊張亢進和隨意運動的減少,臨床稱做震顫麻痹,又 名帕金森氏??動眼神經核由許多小核組成,每一小核發出的神經纖維 支配一種眼肌,其中除動眼神經副核支配睫狀肌與瞳孔括約肌外,其 他小核支配下直肌(背核)、內直肌(腹核)、下斜肌(中間核)、 上直肌(腹內側核)、上提瞼肌(尾側中央核)。滑車神經核發出的 滑車神經支配。翻正反射延髓動物無自發的翻正頭或軀體的動作,只 有中腦動物才具有這種能把頭和軀體恢復正常位置的反射。根據引起 翻正反射的刺激所作用部位的不同,翻正反射可有4種類型,除其中的 視覺翻Incoming impulses come from the retina, the optic nerve, optic tract first reach the thalamus near the top of the canopyArea, and then by the interneurons reach the ipsilateral and contralateral oculomotor nerve oculomotor parasympathetic nucleus (Edding's nucleus), which issued preganglionic fibers, with oculomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion, replacementAfter the posterior foci of neurons through the fibers of the ciliary short nerve into the eye, dominate the pupil sphincter causedMiosis. Inhibit muscle tension Muscle tension is alternay reflected in a muscle fibersContraction caused it to maintain a certain muscle tension, is to maintain the most basic posture of the bodyShoot activities. Mesh structure on the regulation of muscle tension (see brainstem reticular structure). ExcisionMedulla oblongata animals have extremities extensor nervous phenomenon, called to the brain rigidity. But midbrainOf the red nucleus can inhibit the tension of the extensor limbs and strengthen the tension of the flexor, so mesencephalic animalsBasically no brain tonic phenomenon. Red nucleus accept the impulse to the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, came outThe fiber reaches the cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord. The substantia nigra receives the fibers from the cerebral cortex and striatum,Out of the fiber reaches the striatum, globus pallidus, midbrain is covered, thalamus and other places. They are all conesSystem, it is related to the regulation of free movement. Red nucleus and muscle tone regulation and righting reflex related. The substantia nigra is most advanced in humans and is the largest nucleus in the midbrain, which synthesizes large amounts of dopamine (1Kind of neurotransmitter) and by the nigricans to reach the striatum, so the substantia nigra and striatum contain largeAmount of dopamine. There are acetylcholine choline in the striatum, normal nigrostriatal, dopamine in the striatumAnd striatum in the body to maintain a balance between acetylcholine. The balance of nigral lesions is destroyed,Cause hyperthyroidism and decreased voluntary exercise, clinically called tremor paralysis, also known as ParkinsonThe oculomotor nucleus consists of many small nuclei, each of which emits a type of nerve fiberEye muscle, which in addition to the oculomotor nerve sub-nucleus dominated the ciliary muscle and the pupil sphincter, the other small nuclearEquipped with rectus (dorsal nucleus), medial rectus (ventral), inferior oblique (middle), superior rectus (Ventral medial nucleus), levator muscle (caudal central nucleus). Toothed nerve issued by the pulleyDominate. Righting reflex medulla oblongata spontaneous turning head or body movements, only in the brainThings have this kind of reflex that can restore your head and body to their normal position. According to cause the right reflexThe stimulation of the role of different parts of the inverted reflex can have four types, in addition to which the visual turn


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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