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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

(cerebellum)位于大腦及枕葉的下方,恰在腦干的后面,是腦的第 二大部分。小腦由左右兩個半球所構成,且灰質在外部,白質在內部 。在功能方面,小腦和大腦皮層運動去共同控制肌肉的運動,籍以調 節姿勢與身體的平衡。前腦(forebrain)屬于腦的zui高層部分,是 人腦中zui復雜、zui重要的神經中樞。前腦又分為視丘、下視丘、邊緣 系統、大腦皮質四部分。1.視丘(thalamus)視丘呈卵圓形,由白 質神經纖維構成,左右各一,位于駢胝體的下方。從脊髓、腦干、小 腦傳導來的神經沖動,都先終止于視丘,經視丘在傳送至大腦皮質的 相關區域。所以說視丘是感覺神經的重要傳遞站。此外,視丘還具有 控制情緒的功能。2.下視丘(hypothalamus)下視丘位于視丘之下 ,是自主神經系統的主要管制中樞,它直接與大腦中各區相連接,又 與腦垂體及延髓相連。下視丘的主要功能是管制內分泌系統、維持新 陳代謝正常、調節體溫,并與生理活動中饑餓、渴、性等生理性動機 有密切的關系。3.邊緣系統(limbic system)邊緣系統一般認為包 括視丘、下視丘以及中腦等在內的部分。邊緣系統的主要功能為嗅覺 、內臟、自主神經、內分泌、性、攝食、學習、記憶等。邊緣系統有 兩個神經組織,即杏仁核與海馬,前者關系情緒的表現,后者與記憶 有關。4.大腦皮質(cerebral cortex)是大腦的表層,由灰質構成 ,其厚度約為1到4mm,其下方大部分則由白質構成。大腦中間有一裂 溝(大腦縱裂,longitudinal fissure),由前至后將大腦分為左右 兩個半球,稱為大腦半球(cerebral hemisphere)。兩個半球之間 ,由胼胝體(corpus collosum)連接在一起,使兩半球的神經傳導 得以互通。1. 大腦感覺不到疼痛盡管是它負責處理來自其他身體部位 的信號,但就大腦而言,奇怪的是,它竟然無法感到疼痛。2. 壓力可 導致大腦萎縮若干研究已經得出結論,壓力對我們的大腦有著負面的 影響,可減小大腦體積。
(Cerebellum) is located in the brain and occipital lobe, just behind the brainstem, is the second largest part of the brain. The cerebellum is made up of two left and right hemispheres, with gray matter on the outside and white matter on the inside. In function, the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex exercise to jointly control the movement of the muscle to regulate the posture and the balance of the body. Forebrain belongs to the highest part of the brain and is the most complex and important nerve center in the human brain. Forebrain is divided into the hypothalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, cerebral cortex four parts. 1. The hypothalamus of the thalamus is ovoid and consists of white matter fibers, each of which is located one below the other. Nerve impulses transmitted from the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellum terminate in the hypothalamus and are transported to the relevant regions of the cerebral cortex via the hypothalamus. Therefore, the hypothalamus is an important sensory nerve transfer station. In addition, the hypothalamus also has the function of controlling emotions. 2. Hypothalamus The hypothalamus is located under the hypothalamus and is the main regulatory center of the autonomic nervous system. It connects directly with the various regions of the brain and with the pituitary gland and medulla oblongata. The main function of the hypothalamus is to control the endocrine system, maintain normal metabolism, regulate body temperature, and physical activity with hunger, thirst, sex and other physiological motivation are closely related. 3. The limbic system The limbic system is generally considered to include the hypothalamus, hypothalamus and midbrain and other parts. The main function of the limbic system for the sense of smell, viscera, autonomic nervous, endocrine, sexual, feeding, learning, memory and so on. The limbic system has two neural tissues, namely, the amygdala and the hippocampus, the former is related to emotional performance, the latter is related to memory. 4. The cerebral cortex is the surface layer of the brain, made up of gray matter, with a thickness of about 1 to 4 mm, and most of the lower part of it consists of white matter. The middle of the brain has a fissure (longitudinal fissure), which divides the brain into left and right hemispheres from front to back, called the cerebral hemisphere. Between the two hemispheres, corpus collosum is connected together to make the two hemispheres of nerve conduction to communicate. 1. The brain does not feel pain Although it is responsible for handling signals from other parts of the body, in the brain it is strange that it does not feel any pain. Stress can lead to brain atrophy Several studies have concluded that stress has a negative effect on our brains and can reduce brain size.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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