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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

在幾十年的工作中,巴甫洛夫應用條件反射方法獲得腦內基本神經活動過程的一系列規律,創立了高級神經活動學說。由于巴甫洛夫的高級神經活動學說是以條件反射為中心內容的,所以也稱條件反射學說。從廣義來看,中樞神經系統的高級機能,除條件反射外,還包含學習和記憶、睡眠與覺醒、動機行為等。巴甫洛夫認為高級神經活動的基本過程的基本特性是:神經過程的強度、神經過程的平衡性、神經過程的靈活性。巴甫洛夫認為高級神經活動的基本過程有兩個,即興奮和抑制。所謂興奮是指神經活動由靜息狀態或較弱的狀態轉為活動或較強的狀態;所謂抑制是指神經活動由活動的狀態或較強的狀態轉為靜息的狀態或較弱的狀態。不能簡單地把興奮看做是活動,把抑制看做是靜止的狀態。興奮和抑制都是一種神經活動的過程,它們指的是這種活動所指向的方向。[1] 巴甫洛夫指出,高級神經活動的兩個基本過程有三個基本特性,這就是它們的強度、平衡性和靈活性。神經過程的強度是指神經細胞能接受的刺激的強弱程度,以及神經細胞持久工作的能力。神經過程的強度有強弱之分,興奮過程強者,在強烈刺激的作用下仍能形成條件反射,并能保持已經形成的條件反射;興奮過程弱者,在強刺激作用下難于形成條件反射,甚至會使已經形成的條件反射受到抑制或遭到破壞。抑制過程強者可長時間忍受持續不斷的內抑制,抑制過程弱者只能忍受較短時間的內抑制。神經過程的平衡性是指興奮和抑制兩種過程的力量是否平衡,所以神經過程的平衡性有平衡和不平衡之分,且不平衡又有興奮占優勢和抑制占優勢兩種情況。神經過程的靈活性是指興奮和抑制兩種過程相互轉化的難易程度,有靈活和不靈活之分。巴甫洛夫指出,兩種基本神經過程的三個特性之間的不同組合,構成了高級神經活動的不同類型。波蘭心理學家斯特里勞(JStrelau)指出:巴甫洛夫把神經活動類型與個體適應環境的能力密切起來,這種能力zui強的是兩個強而平衡型,zui弱的是弱型。During decades of work, Pavlov used the conditioned reflex method to obtain basic neural activity in the brainMovement of a series of laws, founded a senior theory of neural activity. Due to Pavlov's highLevel of neural activity theory is conditional reflex as the center content, so also called conditional reflex theory. In a broad sense, the advanced function of the central nervous system contains, in addition to conditioned reflexes, learningLearning and memory, sleep and wake, motivation and so on. Pavlov believes that senior nerve activityThe basic characteristics of the basic process are: the intensity of neural processes, the balance of neural processes, nervesThe flexibility of the process. Pavlov believes that the basic process of advanced neural activity has two, improvisationExcitement and inhibition. The so-called excitement refers to the activity of the nervous system from resting or weak state to activityOr strong state; the so-called inhibition refers to the activity of the state by the state or a strong state transitionTo rest or weak state. Excitement can not simply be seen as activity, inhibitionThink of it as a static state. Excitement and depression are all processes of neural activity, which they refer toThis activity is the direction of the point. [1] Pavlov pointed out that two of the senior nervous activityThe basic process has three basic characteristics, which is their strength, balance and flexibility. GodThe intensity of the process refers to the degree of stimulation that nerve cells can receive, and the degree of nerve cellsAbility to work long hours. The strength of the nervous process has the strength of the points, the excitement of the strong, strongStrong stimuli can still form the conditioned reflex, and can maintain the already formed condition reflex;The excitement of the weak process, under the strong stimuli is difficult to form conditioned reflex, or even have been shapedThe conditioned reflections are either suppressed or destroyed. Strong suppression process can endure prolonged long timeContinuous internal suppression, the weak suppression process can only tolerate a shorter period of inhibition. Neural processBalance refers to the excitement and inhibition of the balance of the power of the two processes, so the neural processEquilibrium has imbalances and imbalances, and there are unbalanced excitement and dominant predominanceTwo situations. The flexibility of neural process refers to the excitement and inhibition of mutual transformation of the two processes difficultEasy, flexible and inflexible. Pavlov pointed out that two basic neurological processesDifferent combinations of the three properties make up the different types of high-level neural activity. Polish heartJ. Strelau, a physicist, points out that Pavlov used the type of neural activityThe ability of the body to adapt to the environment is closely linked to the strongest of these two strong and balanced, The weakest is weak.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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