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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室




正常時壓力升細 菌約為初壓的兩倍, 壓迫停止后壓力迅速下降至初壓水平。若壓力上 升緩慢或不升謂之陽 性,說明下胸段以下蛛網膜下腔梗阻。腰穿針和 測壓管不通暢亦可呈 陽性,須予注意。(3)雙針聯合穿刺試驗:在 疑有椎管內梗阻的上下部位如腰椎2-3與 腰5骶1兩處同時進行穿刺, 借梗阻平面上下兩處腦脊液壓力在頸靜脈 壓迫試驗中所顯示的差別。 可以粗測腰椎2-5之間有無梗阻。(4)單側頸靜脈壓迫試驗 (Tobey-Ayer試驗):壓迫一側頸靜脈引 起腦脊液壓力上升,但壓 迫另側頸靜脈時壓力無變化,稱單側頸靜脈 壓迫試驗陽性。提示該側 側竇或頸內靜脈有梗阻,如血栓形成等。終壓放出腦脊液后所測得的 壓力,當低于原初壓的1/2時常為異常。正常人 放液2-3毫升后的腦 壓降低一般不超過0.098-0.197kPa(10-20mm水柱 )或保持不變。若 放液3-5ml后壓力下降大于0.5kPa(50mm水柱),應考 慮椎管內或枕骨 大孔處已有不同程度的梗阻的部位愈低,這種現象愈 明顯;*性梗 阻時,終壓有時可下降到零。若放出數亳升腦脊液后 ,腦壓下降很少 或很快恢復到初壓水平,則提示有交通性腦積水或顱 內壓增細菌。1 、紅色:常見于蛛網膜下腔出血、腦出血、硬膜下血腫等。如腰椎穿  刺時觀察到流出的腦脊液先紅后轉無色,為穿刺損傷性出血。2、黃色 :見于陳舊性蛛網膜下腔出血及腦出血、包囊性硬膜下血腫、 化膿性 腦膜炎、腦膜粘連、腦栓塞;椎管梗阻;腦、脊髓腫瘤及嚴重 的結核 性腦膜炎;各種原細菌引起的重癥黃疽;心功能不全、含鐵血 黃素沉 著癥、胡蘿卜素血癥、早產兒等。3、乳白色:見于化膿性腦膜炎。4 、微綠色:見于綠膿假單胞菌性腦膜炎、甲型鏈球菌性腦膜炎。5、褐 色或黑色:見于中樞神經系統的黑色素瘤、黑色素肉瘤等。透明度1、 微混:常見于乙型腦炎、脊髓灰質炎、腦膿腫(未破裂者)。2、混濁: 常見于化膿性腦膜炎、結核性腦膜炎等。3、毛玻璃狀:常見于結核性 腦膜炎、病毒性腦膜炎等。
Normal pressure rise bacteria about double the initial pressure, the pressure immediay after the pressure dropped to the initial pressure level. If the pressure rises slowly or does not rise that the positive, indicating the following thoracic subarachnoid obstruction. Lumbar lumbar puncture and piezometric tube can also be positive, should pay attention. (3) double needle puncture test: suspected in the upper and lower spinal canal obstruction, such as lumbar 2-3 and lumbar 5 sacral two puncture at the same time, by two obstruction plane cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the jugular vein compression test Show the difference. Can be roughly measured between the lumbar 2-5 obstruction. (4) Unilateral jugular vein compression test (Tobey-Ayer test): Pressure on one side of the jugular vein caused an increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure, but the other side of the jugular vein oppression pressure did not change, said unilateral jugular vein compression test was positive. Tip side of the lateral sinus or jugular vein obstruction, such as thrombosis. After the final pressure release of cerebrospinal fluid measured pressure, when less than the original pressure of 1/2 is often abnormal. Normal people 2-3 ml after the drop of brain pressure is generally not more than 0.098-0.197kPa (10-20mm water column) or remain unchanged. If the 3-5ml after the drop pressure drop greater than 0.5kPa (50mm water column), should consider the spinal canal or occipital foramen have different degrees of obstruction lower the site, the more obvious this phenomenon; complete obstruction, and finally Pressure can sometimes drop to zero. If the release of a few ml cerebrospinal fluid, intracranial pressure decreased very little or quickly returned to the initial pressure level, suggesting that there is traffic hydrocephalus or intracranial pressure increased bacteria. 1, red: common in subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, subdural hematoma and so on. Such as the lumbar puncture was observed before the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid red after transfer colorless, puncture injury bleeding. 2, yellow: seen in the old subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral hemorrhage, cystic subdural hematoma, purulent meningitis, meningeal adhesions, cerebral embolism; spinal canal obstruction; brain, spinal cord tumors and severe tuberculous meningitis ; A variety of protozoan caused by severe jaundice; heart failure, hemosiderosis, carotenemia, premature children. 3, milky: seen in purulent meningitis. 4, micro green: seen in Pseudomonas aeruginosa meningitis, Streptococcus A meningitis. 5, brown or black: found in the central nervous system melanoma, melanoma and so on. Transparency 1, micro-mixed: common in encephalitis, poliomyelitis, brain abscess (not broken). 2, cloudy: common in purulent meningitis, tuberculous meningitis. 3, frosted glassy: common in tuberculous meningitis, viral meningitis.


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