
聯系人: 楊永漢
E-mail: service@jianlun.com
您現在的位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 人類疾病診斷 > 診斷試劑盒 > 廣州創侖檢測瘧疾兩種抗體(Pf.PV)試劑盒


型    號: 廣州創侖
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瘧疾是經按蚊叮咬或輸入帶瘧原蟲者的血液而感染瘧原蟲所引起的蟲媒傳染病。檢測瘧原蟲抗體和抗原對診斷瘧疾有幫助,檢測瘧疾兩種抗體(Pf.PV)試劑盒由我司提供- 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司為您提供服務!

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人群易感性 人群對瘧疾普遍易感,感染后雖有一定的免疫力,但不持久,各型瘧疾之間亦無交叉免疫性,經反復多次感染后,再感染時癥狀可較輕,甚至無癥狀,而一般非流行區來的外來人員常較易感染,且癥狀較重。
People susceptible to the crowd generally susceptible to malaria, although the infection after a certain degree of immunity, but not lasting, there is no cross-immunity between malaria, after repeated infections, re-infection symptoms may be lighter, or even Asymptomatic, while the non-endemic areas of non-migrant workers are often more susceptible to infection, and the symptoms are severe.


1 撕開檢測卡鋁箔袋,取出袋內金標卡。注意:不要讓袋內材料暴露于高溫高濕環境,撕開鋁箔袋后盡快使用。


3 取5微升(吸管*刻度處)全血標本,垂直加入金標卡上“加樣孔A”內。

4 掰斷裂解液瓶子蓋子上方的綠色圓頭,在“樣品孔B”上垂直滴加4滴裂解液。

5 在十五分鐘內出結果注意:必須在15分鐘內判讀結果,如超時判斷,結果無效。

6 請遵循相關法規,妥善處理樣本及廢棄材料。

7 存儲條件:2-30℃;

8 保質期:18個月;




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(  MOB:楊永漢)  




【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103



發生在唇、口腔、扁桃體及咽喉,為黏膜斑或黏膜炎,有滲出物,或發生灰白膜,黏膜紅腫。④梅毒性脫發 約占病人的10%。多為稀疏性,邊界不清,如蟲蝕樣;少數為彌漫樣。⑤骨關節損害 骨膜炎、骨炎、骨髓炎及關節炎。伴疼痛。⑥二期眼梅毒 梅毒性虹膜炎、虹膜睫狀體炎、脈絡膜炎、視網膜炎等。常為雙側。⑦二期神經梅毒 多無明顯癥狀,腦脊液異常,腦脊液RPR陽性。可有腦膜炎或腦膜血管癥狀。⑧全身淺表淋巴結腫大
(3)三期梅毒 1/3的未經治療的顯性TP感染發生三期梅毒。其中,15%為良性晚期梅毒,15%~20%為嚴重的晚期梅毒。①皮膚黏膜損害 結節性梅毒疹好發于頭皮、肩胛、背部及四肢的伸側。樹膠樣腫常發生在小腿部,為深潰瘍形成,萎縮樣瘢痕;發生在上額部時,組織壞死,穿孔;發生于鼻中膈者則骨質破壞,形成馬鞍鼻;舌部者為穿鑿性潰瘍;細菌道損害為出現潰瘍,可形成膀胱細菌道漏或直腸細菌道漏等。②近關節結節 是梅毒性纖維瘤緩慢生長的皮下纖維結節,對稱性、大小不等、質硬、不活動、不破潰、表皮正常、無炎癥、無痛、可自消。③心血管梅毒 主要侵犯主動脈弓部位,可發生主動脈瓣閉鎖不全,引起梅毒性心臟病。④神經梅毒 發生率約10%,可在感染早期或數年、十數年后發生。可無癥狀,也可發生梅毒性腦膜炎、腦血管梅毒、腦膜樹膠樣腫、麻痹性癡呆。腦膜樹膠樣腫為累及一側大腦半球皮質下的病變,發生顱內壓增高、頭痛及腦局部壓迫癥狀。實質性神經梅毒系腦或脊髓的實質性病損,前者形成麻痹性癡呆,后者表現為脊髓后根及后索的退行性變,有感覺異常、共濟失調等多種病征,即脊髓癆。2.獲得性隱性梅毒
Occur in the lips, mouth, tonsils and throat, mucosal plaque or mucositis, exudate, or gray film, mucosal swelling. ④ syphilis hair loss accounts for about 10% of patients. Mostly sparse, unclear boundaries, such as worm erosion samples; a few diffuse. ⑤ bone and joint damage periostitis, osteitis, osteomyelitis and arthritis. With pain. ⑥ secondary syphilis, syphilitic syphilis iris, iridocyclitis, choroiditis, retinitis and so on. Often bilateral. ⑦ secondary neurosyphilis no obvious symptoms, abnormal cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid RPR positive. May have meningitis or meningeal vascular symptoms. ⑧ systemic superficial lymph nodes
(3) Third-stage syphilis A third-stage untreated TP infection occurs in third-stage syphilis. Among them, 15% of benign and late syphilis, 15% to 20% of severe late syphilis. ① mucocutaneous damage nodular syphilis occurs in the scalp, scapula, back and limb extensor. Gum-like swollen often occurs in the lower leg, the formation of deep ulcers, atrophy-like scar; occurred in the upper forehead, tissue necrosis, perforation; occurred in the nasal septum are bone destruction, the formation of saddle nose; Wear chisel ulcer; bacterial damage to the ulcer, can form a bacterial leak in the bladder or rectal bacterial leak and so on. ② proximal joint nodules are slow growth of syphilitic fibroids subcutaneous fibrous nodules, symmetry, size, hard, inactive, not ulcerated, normal skin, no inflammation, no pain, can be removed. ③ cardiovascular syphilis main violations of the aortic arch site, aortic valve insufficiency may occur, causing syphilitic heart disease. ④ neurosyphilis incidence of about 10%, early in the infection or years, ten years after the occurrence. May be asymptomatic, but also may occur in patients with syphilitic meningitis, cerebral vascular syphilis, meningeal gum swollen, paralytic dementia. Meningeal gum-like swelling involving the side of the cerebral cortex of the lesion, increased intracranial pressure, headache and brain symptoms of local compression. Substantial neurological syphilis is a substantial lesion of the brain or spinal cord, the former forms paralytic dementia, the latter manifested as degenerative changes of the spinal cord posterior root and posterior cord, sensory abnormalities, ataxia and other symptoms, namely spinal cord gall. 2. Acquired recessive syphilis
Acquired syphilis was not acquired after TP infection and showed asymptomatic manifestations, or the symptoms of dominant syphilis subsided temporarily after a certain period of activity. Syphilis serum test was positive and cerebrospinal fluid was normal, which was called latent (latent) syphilis. 2 years after infection known as early latent syphilis; infection more than 2 years later known as late latent syphilis. 3. Pregnancy syphilis
Pregnancy syphilis is a dominant or recessive syphilis occurred during pregnancy. Pregnancy syphilis, TP can be passed through the placenta or umbilical vein to the fetus, the birth of a baby born congenital syphilis. Pregnant women due to arteriosclerosis caused by placental necrosis, resulting in miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, only a few pregnant women can be healthy children.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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