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EIKEN食物感染流感病毒快速檢測試劑盒 流感主要品牌有:日本富士(瑞必歐)、日本生研、美國BD、美國NovaBios、美國binaxNOW、英國clearview、凱必利、廣州創侖等。歡迎大家,廣州健侖生物科技有限公司

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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

染色結束后,切片中見不到任何陽性信號。這是常規工作中比較常見的現象,出現這種現象,有兩種可能:1、真陰性結果:整個染色過程沒有出現問題,組織或細胞確實不表達與抗體相關的抗原。2、假陰性結果:即此陰性結果不是真實的反映。假陰性結果又可分為兩種情況:(1)切片中根本就不包含所預期檢查的組織或細胞。出現這種情況,要麼是病理醫生選擇錯了切片或抗體選錯了,要麼是技術員選錯了蠟塊。獲得正確的切片進行染色是獲得正確結果的前提。由此表明:制作出合格的免疫組化切片不僅僅是技術員的事,病理醫生也起著*的作用。(2)染色過程中的某一或某些環節出了問題。比如,組織未進行抗原修復,有的組織必須經過抗原修復才能檢測抗原表達;或選用了只能用于冰凍組織而不能用于石蠟包埋組織的抗體;或一抗失效,雖然抗體失效在理論上是一個逐漸的過,但偶爾也遇到突然失效的情況,抗體長期不用和/或已超過有效期是主要的原因。也可見于染色過程中漏掉了某一環節,如忘記加二抗或三抗,或用了兩次二抗而缺少了三抗,或配制DAB時少了過氧化氫。為了避免這種簡單的錯誤,有一種簡單的方法:在三抗孵育結束時,將切片上的三抗甩在一張白紙上,在將配制好的DAB 滴一滴在白紙的三抗上,觀察是否出現棕色。如果出現了,證明三抗和DAB的配制過程沒有錯誤。如果這種DAB再滴到切片上沒有出現任何陽性信號,問題一定是出在三抗以前。如果紙上不出現棕色反應,問題肯定在三抗或DAB的配制過程。這種簡單方法能迅速的幫助我們查找出現問題可能的原因。

First, colorless film
After staining, no positive signals were seen in the sections. This is a common phenomenon in routine work. There are two possibilities for this phenomenon: 1. True negative result: There is no problem in the whole dyeing process, and the tissue or cells do not express the antibody related to the antibody. 2, false negative results: This negative result is not a true reflection. False negative results can be divided into two cases: (1) The slice does not contain the tissue or cells to be examined at all. When this happens either the pathologist chooses the wrong slice or the antibody is the wrong one, or the technician selects the wrong wax block. Getting the right slice for staining is a prerequisite for getting the right result. This shows that: to produce qualified immunohistochemical sections is not just a technician, pathologists also play an indispensable role. (2) dyeing process in some or some of the problems. For example, the tissue is not antigenic repair, and some organizations must undergo antigen retrieval in order to detect antigen expression; or can only be used for frozen tissue can not be used for paraffin-embedded tissue antibodies; or primary antibody failure, although the antibody failure in the theory It is a gradual, but occasionally encountered a sudden failure, the antibody long-term useless and / or has expired is the main reason. Can also be found in the dyeing process missed a link, such as forgetting to add two or three anti-antibody, or the use of two secondary antibodies and the lack of the three anti-DAB preparation or less hydrogen peroxide. In order to avoid such a simple error, there is a simple way: in the third anti-incubation at the end of the triad anti-rejection on a piece of white paper, the prepared DAB drops of white on the three anti-drop , Observe whether there is brown. If present, it is demonstrated that there is no error in the formulation of the third antibody and DAB. If this DAB drop to the section did not appear any positive signal, the problem must be out before the third antibody. If the paper does not appear brown reaction, the problem is certainly in the third antibody or DAB preparation process. This simple method quickly helps us find out the probable cause of the problem.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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