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型    號: 美國FOCUS
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英文名稱:American FUCUS measles virus diagnostic kit











① antigen or antibody to a solid surface of the carrier, and maintain its immunocompetence.
    ② the antigen or antibody connected with an enzyme labeled antigen or antibody, this enzyme-labeled antigen or antibody retains both its immunological activity, but also retains the enzyme activity. In the measurement, the test sample (measured in the antibody or antigen) and the enzyme-labeled antigen or antibody in different steps with the solid phase carrier antigen or antibody reaction. The antigen-antibody complex formed on the solid phase carrier is separated from other substances by the washing method. * The amount of enzyme bound to the solid phase carrier is proportional to the amount of the test substance in the specimen. After adding enzyme reaction substrate, the substrate is enzymatically converted into a colored product. The amount of the product is directly related to the amount of the tested substance in the sample. Therefore, qualitative or quantitative analysis can be conducted according to the color reaction depth. Due to the high catalytic frequency of the enzyme, it is possible to greatly amplify the reaction effect so that the determination method achieves a high sensitivity. ELISA can be used to determine the antigen can also be used to determine the antibody.


The immunological processes involved in ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) are especially confirmed in the area of infection testing for antibodies. This detection reaction is based on the specific interaction of antibodies and antigens. To this end, binding antibodies coated in the patient's sample are present in test strips of microtitre plates of Cyurotype ELISA classic. Other alkaline phosphatase secondary antibody was used to detect the resulting immune complexes. The enzyme catalyzes a reaction, the conversion of p-nitrophenol in the colored product of the colorless substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate. The signal intensity of the reaction product is detected photometrically proportional to the concentration of antibody in the sample.




IgG試劑盒  IgM試劑盒 IgA試劑盒  

數(shù)量 / 容積 




12           12          12



防腐劑:< 0.1% * 


2×2毫升    2×2毫升   2×2毫升



防腐劑:< 0.1% * 

染色劑:里沙明綠 V

1×2毫升   1×2毫升    1×2毫升

酶標(biāo)記的抗人IgG, IgA, IgM (立即可用) 

羊抗人IgG, IgA, IgM(多克隆),標(biāo)記堿性磷酸酶后在蛋白穩(wěn)定劑中儲存 

防腐劑: 0.01% 甲基異噻唑啉酮 

 0.01% 溴化硝基二堊烷 

13毫升      13毫升      13毫升 


氯化鈉溶液,含吐溫2030mM Tris  

防腐劑: < 0.1%* 

1×33.3毫升  1×33.3毫升 1×33.3毫升 



防腐劑: < 0.1%* 

0.01 /升的溴酚藍(lán)鈉鹽 

2×50毫升   2×50毫升 2×50毫升


1.2N 氫氧化鈉 

15毫升      15毫升      15毫升 



防腐劑:< 0.1% * 


13毫升      13毫升      13毫升 



1             1           1 


麻疹風(fēng)疹甲流 乙流單皰疹1型單皰疹2型、百日咳百日咳毒素、腮腺炎、帶狀皰疹、單純皰疹、HSV1型特異性巨細(xì)胞-特異風(fēng)疹-特異弓形蟲-特異、棘球?qū)佟⑹确诬妶F菌、破傷風(fēng)、蜱傳腦炎、幽門螺旋桿菌、白色念珠菌、博氏疏螺旋體、細(xì)小病毒、鉤端螺旋體、腺病毒、Q熱柯克斯體、煙曲霉菌、埃可病毒、EB病毒、衣原體、耶爾森菌、空腸彎曲桿菌、炭疽桿菌、白喉、腸道病毒、柯薩奇病毒、肺炎衣原體、沙眼衣原體、土拉弗朗西斯菌、漢坦病毒、類風(fēng)濕因子、呼吸道合胞病毒、單純皰疹病毒質(zhì)控品、巨細(xì)胞質(zhì)控品、弓形蟲質(zhì)控品、風(fēng)疹麻疹質(zhì)控品等試劑盒以




【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【電子郵件】 Service@jianlun.com  Jim@jianlun.com
【騰訊 】
【公司】 www.jianlun。。com
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢一層101-3室



Capsules Many bacterial cell walls surround a thick layer of thick, jelly-like material. The capsule of most bacteria (such as pneumococcal, meningococcal, etc.) consists of polysaccharides. In addition to the capsule to help identify bacteria, but also protect the bacteria from phagocytic phagocytosis and digestion, and thus the toxicity of bacteria. The mechanism of anti-phagocytic capsule is not very clear, probably due to the capsule mucus layer is relatively smooth, easy to capture by phagocytes. The capsule can store moisture to make the bacteria resistant to drying, and have some resistance to the infringement of other factors (such as lysozyme, complement, antibodies, antibacterials, etc.).
2. Flagella (Flagllum) In some bacterial cells with elongated and curved filaments, called flagella. Flagella are bacterial organs of movement, tend to have chemical tendencies, often toward a high concentration of nutrients in the direction of moving away from its harmful environment.
3. Pilus Pilus is a filamentous appendage that is thinner, shorter, straighter, harder, and more numerous than flagella over the surface of many Gram-negative bacteria, also known as Fimbriae. Pili has nothing to do with exercise. Pili can be divided into common pili (Commonpilus) and sexual pili (Sexpilus) two.
4. Spore (Bacillus) under certain conditions, Bacillus (such as Bacillus anthracis) and Clostridium (such as tetanus, gas gangrene pathogen) in the body to form a highly refractories difficult to color small Body, called the endospore (Endospore), referred to as spores.
5. Bacteria can be reproductive asexual or genetic recombination in two ways, the bacteria are generally a simple two-division method of asexual reproduction, individual bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis occasionally branch propagation. Aseptic propagation of the two fissions, the salient features of its breeding fast. The generation of E. coli (the necessary time for bacterial doubling doubling) is 20 minutes, calculated in accordance with this, under the best conditions after 8 hours, a cell can proliferate to 2 million, after 10 hours can exceed 1 billion, 24 hours After that, the number of bacterial multiplication can be huge enough to count the data and extent.
6. Individual cells also undergo genetic variation in several ways: mutations (where the genetic code of the cell itself changes randomly), transformation (transfer of bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another bacterium in solution), transfection (virus Or bacterial DNA, or DNA from both, by phage transfer into another bacterium), bacterial conjugation (the DNA of one bacterium binds to another bacterium by the special protein structure formed between the two bacteria, which binds the pili) . Bacteria can get DNA in these ways, then divide and pass on the recombinant genome to offspring. Many bacteria contain plasmids that contain extrachromosomal DNA.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區(qū)石樓鎮(zhèn)清華科技園創(chuàng)啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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