
聯系人: 楊永漢
E-mail: service@jianlun.com
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瘧原蟲檢測抗原試紙 由我司提供- 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司為您提供服務!

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產品應用免疫層析技術(ICT)。一個試劑條中應用了2種不同單克隆抗體,分別來檢驗血樣中是否有 HRPII抗原(惡性瘧*)及“泛瘧疾抗原” (Pan-malaria)(四種瘧原蟲共有)。
兩種不同的單克隆抗體以及另外一種質控抗體,被固定在膜支撐物上,形成了三條不同的線。膜支撐物與加樣墊相連,加樣墊浸漬了已經結合可視粒子的質控抗體與抗-瘧原蟲抗體。結合在一起的膜支撐物與加樣墊組成了完整的檢測條。該檢測條與洗脫墊與吸收墊被一起置于一個書形、鉸鏈狀的檢測卡中。這就構成了一個完整的快速檢測試劑卡。檢測時,將全血加到加樣墊上,血樣中存在的瘧原蟲抗原與抗瘧原蟲抗體結合物結合。將A 試劑液加到檢測條的底部,使抗原結合物復合物沿檢測條流動。固定的抗-瘧原蟲抗體捕獲抗原結合物,形成檢測線。固定的質控抗體捕獲質控結合物,形成質控線。一旦血樣流過檢測條,將檢測卡閉合,使加到沖洗墊中的A 試劑把檢測條上多余的血液洗去。














Applications Immunochromatography (ICT). Two different monoclonal antibodies were used in a single reagent strip to test for the presence of the HRPII antigen (unique to P. falciparum) and Pan-malaria (common to all four plasmids) in the blood sample.
Two different monoclonal antibodies, along with another control antibody, were immobilized on the membrane support to form three distinct lines. The membrane support was attached to a sample pad, and the sample pad was impregnated with a control antibody and anti-Plasmodium antibody that had bound to the visual particles. The combined membrane support and coupon make up a complete test strip. The test strip and the elution pad and absorbent pad are placed together in a book-shaped, hinged test card. This constitutes a complete rapid test reagent card. At the time of testing, whole blood is added to the pad, and the Plasmodium antigen present in the blood sample binds to the anti-Plasmodium antibody conjugate. Add reagent A to the bottom of the test strip and allow the antigen-binding complex to flow along the test strip. Immobilized anti-Plasmodium antibodies capture the antigen conjugates to form the assay line. Fixed control antibodies capture the control conjugate to form a control line. Once the blood sample is passed through the test strip, the test card is closed and the A reagent applied to the washpad removes the excess blood from the test strip.


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(  MOB:楊永漢)


【生產企業】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司



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Symptoms and signs
Ebola virus disease incubation period of 2 days to 21 days. The disease mainly to liver, spleen and kidney and other organs damage. The main symptoms are fever, extreme weakness, muscle aches, headache and sore throat symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, impaired kidney and liver function, followed by internal and external bleeding may occur in some cases. Laboratory tests included a decrease in white blood cell count and a decrease in plaet count, while liver enzymes increased.
The disease in different periods after the onset of different performance:
2 to 3 days of onset of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, mucus or bloody stool, and may have diarrhea for several days.
4 ~ 5 days duration has entered the extreme period, bleeding in the extreme is a common occurrence, usually vomiting, melena, bleeding at the injection site, nose bleeding, hemoptysis, etc., with special attention is that pregnant women will appear abortion and postpartum Bleeding; In addition, will continue to fever, awareness will change; may be complicated by myocarditis, pneumonia and so on.
The course of 6 to 7 days may occur, with shoulder, palms, palmar-based measles-like rash, systemic organs may have been spread to, and in a few days after scaling.
8 to 9 days course of disease in some critically ill patients or patients with severe complications may die during this period, mainly due to liver and kidney failure.
If the virus persists in semen, it can cause orchitis, testicular atrophy and so on.
Ebola virus disease diagnosis
Other diseases that should be ruled out before a possible diagnosis of Ebola virus disease can be made includes malaria, typhoid, Shigella, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsial disease, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and Other viral hemorrhagic fever.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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