
聯系人: 楊永漢
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我司同時有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多聯檢測卡(膠體金法)


1. Accuray refer to the international drug abuse monitoring standards, designed to meet the detection threshold of the domestic situation;
2. Specific selection of highly specific monoclonal antibodies, the cross-reaction may occur to a minimum;
3. Quick urine drip 5 minutes, the naked eye can interpret the results;
4. Stability of the United States nano gold high-tech achievements, the quality of more stable than other similar products;
5. Easy to allow any equipment and additional testing, easy to operate.



1. Accuray refer to the international drug abuse monitoring standards, designed to meet the detection threshold of the domestic situation;
2. Specific selection of highly specific monoclonal antibodies, the cross-reaction may occur to a minimum;
3. Quick urine drip 5 minutes, the naked eye can interpret the results;
4. Stability of the United States nano gold high-tech achievements, the quality of more stable than other similar products;
5. Easy to allow any equipment and additional testing, easy to operate.

Detection principle

For detoxification, hospitals, military conscription, census of high-risk groups, screening of special industries and recruitment of medical examination and health and epidemic prevention departments for food inspection
Use range

1, drug treatment centers, hospitals, military conscription, census of high-risk groups, special industries and hiring physical examination screening.
2, drug control agencies at the grass-roots drug screening, re-examination.
3, the grassroots police directly determine the suspicious things.
4, health and epidemic prevention department food inspection, blood stations.
5, the relevant departments for drug identification.


【Testing method】
1, read the instructions before testing;
2, take a clean urine cup urine samples (if the kit and urine samples stored in the refrigerator, please return to room temperature 18 ℃ -25 ℃);
3, Remove the test card from the aluminum foil bag, placed on a clean and flat table, with a pipette to absorb some urine samples, add 2-3 drops of sample to the sample hole perpendicular to the sample hole.
4,3-5 minutes to read the results. To ensure the accuracy of the results, do not interpret the results after 5 minutes.


[Interpretation of test results]
1, positive (drug addiction): Only one red quality control line appears in the reaction zone.
2, negative (no drug): in the reaction zone quality control line and reaction line two red lines.
3, invalid: quality control line does not appear in the reaction zone, to be re-tested.




細菌利用IV型分泌系統(type IV secretion systems,T4SS)能夠轉運毒力因子到真核細胞(如肺炎軍團菌)、在細菌之間傳遞遺傳物質,包括抗生素抗性基因在不同細菌之間的傳遞,促進耐藥菌的蔓延。T4SS還可能作為對人體細胞進行遺傳修飾的潛在工具。
2014年3月發表在Nature上的一項研究,揭示了細菌IV型分泌的結構和作用機制。科研人員利用電子顯微鏡重構了大腸桿菌R388接合型質粒(conjugative plasmid)編碼的IV型分泌系統。結果表明,細菌T4SS無論是分子結構,還是分泌機制,與其它細菌分泌系統都具有本質區別。細菌IV型分泌系統是由8種蛋白質組裝成的一個復雜結構,這個結構約3MDa,貫穿整個細菌膜。T4SS包括兩個獨立的復合體,一個位于細菌的外膜,另一個位于細菌的內膜。它們通過一個莖狀結構穿過胞周質連接起來。胞周質是位于細菌內膜與外膜之間的空間。如此一來,在細胞膜上形成了一個孔狀結構,細菌通過這種結構分泌物質。
闡明細菌IV型分泌系統的結構,可以幫助人們設計新的藥物來靶向性關閉這個系統,從而阻止抗生素耐藥基因在細菌之間傳播。考慮到當前細菌耐藥性已變得如此普遍,嚴重威脅著人類健康,這項研究結果將對未來細菌耐藥性的研究領域產生巨大的影響。巨型DNA細菌毒在光學顯微鏡下可見,它們的基因組編碼的蛋白質比一些細菌或細胞內寄生的真核生物還多。目前已發現兩種截然不同的巨型細菌毒,他們都能感染單細胞原生生物,如阿米巴原蟲(Acanthamoeba)。一方面,巨型細菌毒(Megaviridae)具有大的偽二十面體(pseudoicosahedral)衣殼包圍著大小以兆為單位、富含腺嘌呤和胸腺嘧啶的基因組;另一方面,zui近發現的潘多拉細菌毒(Pandoraviruses)具有微米級的雙耳罐狀顆粒和細菌達2.8 MB富含鳥嘌呤和胞嘧啶的基因組。



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司

【 市場部 】       楊永漢
【騰訊  】
【公司地址】 廣州市清華科技園健新基地番禺石樓鎮健啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

Bacteria use the type IV secretion systems (T4SS) to transport virulence factors into eukaryotic cells (such as Legionella pneumophila), passing on genetic material between bacteria, including the transmission of antibiotic resistance genes between different bacteria , To promote the spread of resistant bacteria. T4SS may also serve as a potential tool for genetic modification of human cells.
A study published in Nature in March 2014 revealed the structure and mechanism of bacterial type IV secretion. Researchers used electron microscopy to reconstitute a type IV secretion system encoded by the conjugate plasmid of E. coli R388. The results showed that bacterial T4SS, whether it is molecular structure or secretion mechanism, has the essential difference from other bacterial secretion systems. The bacterial type IV secretion system is a complex structure assembled from eight proteins that are about 3 Da in size throughout the bacterial membrane. T4SS consists of two separate complexes, one on the bacterial outer membrane and the other on the bacterial inner membrane. They connect through the periplasm through a stemlike structure. The periplasm is located in the space between the bacterial endometrium and the outer membrane. As a result, a cell-like structure is formed in the cell membrane by which bacteria release the substance.
Clarifying the structure of the bacterial type IV secretion system can help people design new drugs to target this system shut down and thus prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria. Given the current prevalence of bacterial resistance has become so widespread that it is a serious threat to human health, the results of this study will have a huge impact on the future of bacterial resistance research. Giant DNA bacterial toxins are visible under light microscopy, and their genome encodes more proteins than some bacteria or intracellular parasitic eukaryotes. Two distinct bacterial strains of bacteria have now been discovered, all of which are capable of infecting unicellular protists, such as Acanthamoeba. On the one hand, Megaviridae has a large pseudoicosahedral capsid which encloses genomes of adenine and thymine rich in megapores; on the other hand, the recently discovered Pandora bacteria toxin Pandoraviruses) have micron-sized binocular cans and bacteria up to 2.8 MB of guanine and cytosine-rich genomes.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(lqyxch.com) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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